Structure of currency in circulation as of 31 December 2011

In circulation.
in CZK millions
in %
No. of notes/coins
in circulation.
in millions
in %
No. of notes/coins
per capita in
the Czech Republic
5 000 CZK 124 915.3 30.3% 25.0 7.1% 2.4
2 000 CZK 124 666.5 30.3% 62.3 17.7% 6.0
1 000 CZK 123 681.3 30.0% 123.7 35.0% 11.9
500 CZK 10 699.6 2.6% 21.4 6.1% 2.1
200 CZK 10 600.4 2.6% 53.0 15.0% 5.1
100 CZK 5 028.1 1.2% 50.3 14.2% 4.8
50 CZK 606.9 0.1% 12.1 3.4% 1.2
20 CZK 104.2 0.0% 5.2 1.5% 0.5
Total banknotes 400 302.3 97.2% 353.0 100.0% 33.9
50 CZK 3 614.6 0.9% 72.3 4.1% 7.0
20 CZK 2 952.8 0.7% 147.6 8.4% 14.2
10 CZK 1 729.4 0.4% 172.9 9.9% 16.6
5 CZK 1 006.4 0.2% 201.3 11.5% 19.4
2 CZK 709.8 0.2% 354.9 20.3% 34.1
1 CZK 434.7 0.1% 434.7 24.8% 41.8
0.50 CZK 183.3 0.0% 366.5 20.9% 35.2
Total coins 10 630.9 2.6% 1 750.3 100.0% 168.3
1 019.5 0.2% 1.9    
Total 411 952.7 100.0% 2 105.2   202.2