Structure of currency in circulation as of 31 December 2003

Nominal value In circulation,
in CZK millions
Share in % No. of notes/coins
in circulation,
in millions
Share in % No. of notes/coins
per capita
in the Czech Republic
5,000 CZK 80, 649.9 32.5% 16.1 6.0 % 1.6
2,000 CZK 38, 741.5 15.6% 19.4 7.2% 1.9
1,000 CZK 100, 480.8 40.4% 100.5 37.2% 9.8
500 CZK 9, 138.6 3.7% 18.3 6.8% 1.8
200 CZK 7, 450.0 3.0% 37.2 13.8% 3.6
100 CZK 3, 734.9 1.5% 37.3 13.8% 3.6
50 CZK 1, 794.8 0.7% 35.9 13.3% 3.5
20 CZK 111.7 0.0% 5.6 2.1% 0.5
Total banknotes 242, 102.2 97.4% 270.3 100.0% 26.3
50 CZK 205.4 0.1% 4.1 0.2% 0.4
20 CZK 2, 406.6 1.0% 120.3 5.2% 11.8
10 CZK 1, 289.6 0.5% 129.0 5.5% 12.6
5 CZK 692.3 0.3% 138.5 5.9% 13.6
2 CZK 453.9 0.2% 226.9 9.7% 22.2
1 CZK 276.8 0.1% 276.8 11.9% 27.1
0.50 CZK 139.2 0.1% 278.4 11.9% 27.3
0.20 CZK 98.8 0.0% 493.9 21.1% 48.4
0.10 CZK 66.8 0.0% 667.6 28.6% 65.5


5, 629.4 2.3% 2, 335.5 100.0% 228.9
Commemorative coins 709.1 0.3% 4.7    
Total 248, 440.7 100.0% 2, 610.5   255.2