Structure of currency in circulation as of 31 December 2005

Nominal value In circulation,
in CZK millions
Share in % No. of notes/coins
in circulation,
in millions
Share in % No. of notes/coins
per capita
in the Czech Republic
5,000 CZK 92, 672.0 32.2% 18.5 6.1% 1.8
2,000 CZK 51, 920.1 18.0% 26.0 8.6% 2.5
1,000 CZK 112, 037.5 38.9% 112.0 37.0% 10.9
500 CZK 9, 857.1 3.4% 19.7 6.5% 1.9
200 CZK 8, 117.0 2.8% 40.6 13.4% 3.9
100 CZK 4, 019.5 1.4% 40.2 13.3% 3.9
50 CZK 1, 995.8 0.7% 39.9 13.2% 3.9
20 CZK 108.1 0.0% 5.4 1.8% 0.5
Total banknotes 280 727.1 97.6% 302.3 100.0% 29.3
50 CZK 261.9 0.1% 5.2 0.2% 0.5
20 CZK 2, 638.8 0.9% 131.9 5.3% 12.8
10 CZK 1, 400.5 0.5% 140.1 5.7% 13.6
5 CZK 771.9 0.3% 154.4 6.2% 15.0
2 CZK 521.5 0.2% 260.7 10.6% 25.3
1 CZK 316.9 0.1% 316.9 12.8% 30.8
0.50 CZK 179.1 0.1% 358.2 14.5% 34.8
0.20 CZK 94.0 0.0% 469.8 19.0% 45.6
0.10 CZK 63.4 0.0% 633.8 25.6% 61.5


6, 248.0 2.2% 2, 471.0 100.0% 239.9
Commemorative coins 797.4 0.3% 4.8    
Total 287, 772.5 100.0% 2, 778.3   269.3