Banking statistics

August 2024

Commentary on the main indicators

The total assets of the Czech banking sector stood at CZK 10,698 billion at the end of August 2024, up by CZK 13 billion month on month. Loans to residents are the predominant asset item. Their volume reached CZK 7,255 billion. Deposits of residents, which are the most important item among banking sector liabilities, totalled CZK 7,282 billion.

Chart 1 – Assets of the banking sector (CZK  billions)


Source: ARAD data series system

Chart 2 – Liabilities of the banking sector (CZK  billions)


Source: ARAD data series system

The volume of loans to resident households amounted to CZK 2,325 billion in August 2024 and increased by 0.5%, or CZK 10 billion month on month. As regards the breakdown of loans to this sector by purpose, loans for house purchase were the largest item (CZK 1,794 billion in August, up by 0.4% month on month). They accounted for 77% of the total volume of loans to households. The volume of non-performing loans increased marginally to CZK 30.7 billion in August. However, their share in total loans has been unchanged at 1.3% since May 2023.

Chart 3 – Loans to resident households by purpose (CZK  billions) and the share of non-performing loans (%) 


Source: ARAD data series system

Turning to the structure of loans to resident non-financial corporations by original maturity (which totalled CZK 1,410 billion in August 2024, down by 0.4%, or CZK 5 billion month on month), long-term loans still have the largest share. The volume of long-term loans amounted to CZK 772 billion in August (55% of the total volume of loans to the sector). The volume of non-performing loans stood at CZK 33.6 billion in August (down by CZK 0.9 billion month on month) and their share in total loans was unchanged from July at 2.4%.

Chart 4 – Loans to resident non-financial corporations by original maturity (CZK  billions) and the share of non-performing loans (%)


Source: ARAD data series system


  • In August 2024, the banking statistics in the Czech Republic were compiled from the source statistics of 45 banks and foreign bank branches active in the Czech Republic (excluding the CNB).