Legal instruments for monetary and financial statistics

All translations of legal norms into English published on CNB website are for information only and are not official translations of the Czech legislation.

Legal instruments and methodology for banks

Decree and methodology for non-bank financial institutions

  • Decree on reporting of non-bank financial institutions
  • Methodology for compiling of non-bank financial institution statements under Article 11 of Decree No. 314/2013 Coll., as amended - Czech version only
    • Methodology for statements of investment funds
      The detailed methodology underlying the individual statements and reports is available under the Methodological information section – Modules of the SDAT application, Investment Funds area.
    • Methodology for statements of asset financing intermediariesThe detailed methodology underlying the individual statements and reports is available under the Methodological information section – Modules of the SDAT application, OFI area.
    • Methodology for statements of financial vehicle corporations engaged in securitisation transactions
      The detailed methodology underlying the individual statements and reports is available under the Methodological information section – Modules of the SDAT application, OFI area.
    • Methodology for statements of pension funds
      The detailed methodology underlying the individual statements and reports is available under the Methodological information section – Modules of the SDAT application, Pension Corporations area.