Governor’s speeches and interviews

Governor’s speeches and interviews

Read CNB Governor Aleš Michl’s selected speeches and interviews in which he explains how the central bank is fighting inflation and what steps it is taking to achieve price stability.

26. 9. 2024 | Governor’s notes on the inflation expectations of households
Prepared for the discussion at the General Council Meeting on 26 September 2024 (pdf, 592 kB)

25. 7. 2024 | CNB Governor Aleš Michl’s address to the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic
Speech delivered during the discussion of the Financial Market Supervision Report for 2023 in the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic

27. 6. 2024 | No Victory Yet in Inflation FightInflation isn’t beaten, the fight will go on. The public should forget about ultra-low interest rates
Interview for Czech Television

19. 6. 2024 | No Victory Yet in Inflation Fight
Interview for Bloomberg

13. 6. 2024 | Taming Inflation from 18 to 2% and Paving the Way for ESG Financing
Governor Aleš Michl’s address to the Central Banking Summer Meetings conference in London

23. 4. 2024 | The target
Governor’s speech at the CNB Discussion Forum in Pardubice

17. 10. 2023 | The road to the target III
Speech at the Tomas Bata University in Zlín, discussion on Inflation: The road to the target

27. 7. 2023 | Aleš Michl: The current level of inflation still makes it impossible to lower interest rates
Speech delivered during the discussion of the Financial Market Supervision Report for 2022 in the Senate of the Czech Republic

1. 7. 2023 | Price growth is easing, inflation will fall below 10% within two months and keep falling
Interview for the Právo daily

15. 6. 2023 | The road to the target II
Speech at the Assembly of Members of the Czech Banking Association

15. 5. 2023 | The road to the target I
Speech at the University of Economics and Business in Prague, discussion on Inflation: The road to the target

23. 11. 2022 | Policy for a strong koruna
Speech at the Faculty of Economics and Administration of Masaryk University in Brno, CNB Discussion Forum

26. 5. 2022 | People won’t like me for being strict, but we won’t defeat inflation without austerity
Interview for the Ekonom weekly

Other speeches and publications by the governor