FX rates 19.09.2024
All FX rates
EUR - 25.085 CZK
USD - 22.483 CZK
GBP - 29.876 CZK

Global Economic Outlook 9/2024 is out now

The September issue of Global Economic Outlook presents a regular overview of recent and expected developments in selected territories. The analytical section of this issue focuses on green transformation, which will require significant investments in new technologies and is, to some extent, conditional on the availability of “critical materials”, which are an essential part of the clean energy transition.

cnBlog – Israeli monetary policy – past and present

The Bank of Israel has faced several challenges in recent years – it responded to a fall in economic activity caused by the covid pandemic, it resisted the inflationary wave, and since October last year, it has dealt with economic impact of war with Hamas. Petr Kaštánek from the Monetary Department describes measures taken by the central bank in response to these events, as well as long-term evolution of monetary policy framework in Israel.

Attendance of CNB Bank Board members at the monetary policy meeting on 25 September 2024

All seven members of the Bank Board of the Czech National Bank will be attending the monetary policy meeting on 25 September 2024.

CNB WP 5/2024 – Origins of Post-COVID-19 Inflation in Central European Countries

In the past two years, Europe has been hit by an inflationary tsunami. Natálie Dvořáková and Tomáš Šestořád took a closer look at the origins of inflation in the Visegrád Group countries (Czechia, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia). In the paper, they show that the external environment can only partially explain the high-inflation episode. Domestic supply and demand factors played a significant role, with their varying intensity across countries accounting for the differences in price increases.

Unavailability of data presented using selected CNB applications

Due to necessary maintenance, data presented using selected CNB applications may be unavailable on 18 September 2024 from 5.00 p.m. to around 10.00 p.m.

Central Bank Monitoring III/2024

The majority of the central banks under review, including the ECB, cut their interest rates, and the US Fed announced they would soon be reduced. Spotlight is focused on evolution of monetary policy in Israel, including the reaction of the local central bank to the war with Hamas since last October. In Selected speech, New York Fed President looks at the natural rate of interest, so-called r*, and discusses whether it has gone up in recent years based on available model estimates. (pdf, 698 kB)

Read CNB Governor Aleš Michl’s selected speeches and interviews in which he explains how the central bank is fighting inflation and what steps it is taking to achieve price stability.

The CNB has prepared a web portal devoted to its financial and economic literacy activities for the public.

The older 1995–1999 versions of Czech banknotes have ceased to be legal tender. How can you identify the invalid banknotes most easily and where can you exchange them?

Read the CNB’s regular and occasional publications.

Key rates


Discount Rate


2W Repo Rate


Lombard Rate





August 2024

CNB current forecast









Golden Rules for Bureau-de-Change Clients

  1. Change money only at designated bureaux de change. Before changing money, carefully read all the information given on the exchange rate list.
  2. The terms “purchase and sale of foreign currency” and the corresponding exchange rates, i.e. the information about the direction of the exchange, are given from the bureau de change’s perspective...

More about ten golden rules

CNB resumes operation of services at its branches

  • All branches and regional offices of the Czech National Bank will return to full operation, five days a week, from Monday, 14 December 2020.
  • The standard opening hours for CNB clients and the public will be Monday to Friday from 7.30 am to 2.00 pm, with a lunch break from 11.30 am to 12.30 pm.
  • Before your visit, you can check the opening hours for each of our offices on the CNB website (Prague, Brno, Ostrava, Plzeň, Hradec Králové, České Budějovice and Ústí nad Labem).