Luboš Komárek
Director of the External Economic Relations Division
Monetary Department
euro adoption,
European economic integration,
financial stability,
fiscal policy,
housing prices,
international macroeconomics,
monetary economics
European economic integration,
financial stability,
fiscal policy,
housing prices,
international macroeconomics,
monetary economics
Education: Ph.D. (economics), Faculty of Economics, VSB-TU Ostrava, the Czech Republic, 2001; M.Sc. (economics), The University of Warwick, the United Kingdom, 2000; Prof. (appointment to a professorship by the President of the Czech Republic for the field of Economics, 2016).
Phone: +420 224 414 491
Research Gate:
Charles University and Faculty of Economics:
Technical university Ostrava:
Recent CNB Publications
- Intraday Dynamics of Euro Area Sovereign Credit Risk Contagion, Czech National Bank WP 4/2016 (with Kristyna Ters and Jörg Urban)
- International Reserves: Facing Model Uncertainty, Czech National Bank WP 3/2014 (with Soňa Benecká)
- Identification of Asset Price Misalignments on Financial Markets with Extreme Value Theory, Czech National Bank WP 14/2013 (with Narcisa Kadlčáková, Zlatuše Komárková and Michal Hlaváček)
- Sources of Asymmetric Shocks: The Exchange Rate or Other Culprits?, Czech National Bank WP 12/2013 (with Michal Skořepa)
- Fiscal sustainability and financial stability, Czech National Bank Financial Stability Report 2012/2013, 2013, 103-112 (pdf, 339 kB) (with Zlatuše Komárková and Vilma Dingová)
- Impacts of housing prices on the financial position of households, Czech National Bank Financial Stability Report 2012/2013, 2013, 120-127 (pdf, 172 kB) (with Jan Brůha and Michal Hlaváček)
Selected Publications in Refereed Journals
- A Complex Approach to House Price Sustainability Assessment: The Case of the Czech Republic. Prague Economic Papers, FORTHCOMING, 2017 (with Hana Hejlová and Michal Hlaváček)
- Foreign Exchange Market Contagion in Central Europe from the Viewpoint of Extreme Value Theory. Prague Economic Papers. FORTHCOMING (with Narcisa Kadlčáková)
- Real Exchange Rates: Are They Dominated by Fundamental Factors? Applied Economic Letters, 2017, FORTHCOMING
- Identification of Asset Price Misalignments on Financial Markets With Extreme Value Theory. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade. No. 11/2016. (with Narcisa Kadlčáková, Zlatuše Komárková and Michal Hlaváček)
- Sources of Asymmetric Shocks: The Exchange Rate or Other Culprits? Economic Systems. No. 6, 2015 (with Michal Skořepa)
- Liquidity Stress Testing with Second-Round Effects: Application to the Czech Banking Sector. Czech Journal of Economics and Finance. 66 (1), 32–49. (with Adam Geršl and Zlatuše Komárková)
- Convergence of returns on Chinese and Russian stock markets with world markets: national and sectoral perspectives. National Institute Economic Review. No. 223, February, 2013, R16-R34 (with Jan Babecký and Zlatuše Komárková)
- Analysis of Sovereign Risk Market Indicators: The Case of the Czech Republic. Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 62 (1), 2013, 5-24 (with Zlatuše Komárková and Jitka Lešanovská)
- Financial Integration at Times of Financial Instability. Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 63 (1), 2013, 25-45 (with Zlatuše Komárková and Jan Babecký)
- Does Money Help Predict Inflation? An Empirical Assessment for Central Europe. Economic Systems, 35 (4), December 2011, 523–536 (with Roman Horváth and Filip Rozsypal)
- Monetary Policy in a Small Economy after Tsunami: A New Consensus on the Horizon? Czech Journal of Economics and Finance. 61 (1), 5-33, 2011 (with Jan Frait and Zlatuše Komárková)
- The Classification and Identification of Asset Price Bubbles. Czech Journal of Economics and Finance. 61 (1), 34-48, 2011 (with Ivana Kubicová)
- Regional Analysis of Housing Price Bubbles and their Determinants in the Czech Republic. Czech Journal of Economics and Finance. 61 (1), 67-91, 2011 (with Michal Hlaváček)
- Why Central Bankers Should Disclose Interest Rate Forecast. Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 57 (11-12), 2007 (with Jan Filáček and Petr Král)
- Transitional appreciation of equilibrium exchange rates and the ERM II. Transition Studies Review, 15 (1), 95-110, 2008 (with Martin Melecký)
- Financial Integration of Stock Markets among New EU Member States and the Euro Area. Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 57(7-8), 341-362, 2007 (with Jan Babecký and Zlatuše Komárková)
- Monetary Policy and Asset Prices: What Role for Central Banks in New EU Member States? Prague Economic Papers, XVI (1), 3-23, 2007 (with Jan Frait)
- Equilibrium Exchange Rates in the EU New Members: Methodology, Estimation and Applicability to ERM II. Prague Economic Papers, XVI (1), 24-37, 2007 (with Roman Horváth)
- The Behavioral Equilibrium Exchange Rate of the Czech Koruna. Transition Studies Review, 14 (1), 105-121, 2007 (with Martin Melecký)
- Foreign exchange interventions and interest rate policy in the Czech Republic: Hand in glove? Economic Systems, 30 (2), 121-140, 2006 (with Balasz Égert)
- Demand for Money in a Transitional Economy: The Case of the Czech Republic 1993-2001. Eastern European Economics, 42 (5), 2004, 73–94 (with Martin Melecký)
- Currency Substitution in a Transitional Economy with an Application to the Czech Republic. Eastern European Economics, 41 (4), 2003 (with Martin Melecký)
- P-star model. Eastern European Economics, 36 (4), 1998 (with Jan Frait and Lumír Kulhánek)
Other Publications
- Analyses of the Czech Republic's Current Economic Alignment with the Euro Area, 2016, 2015 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, and 2008 (regular annual volume/book of the Czech National Bank on the economic preparedness of the Czech Republic for the euro adoption; collective of authors)
- Money, pricing and bubbles. Series of Advanced Macroeconomic Issues. Faculty of Economics, VSB-TU Ostrava, 2013, p. 185
- Macroprudential Policy in a Small Open Economy. Series of Advanced Macroeconomic Issues. Faculty of Economics, VSB-TU Ostrava, 2013, p. 213 (with Zlatuše Komárková and Jan Frait)
- Will the New Monetary Policy Consensus Work for a Small, Open Economy? Central Banking. May 2011, Vol. XXI, No. 4, 77-88, 2011 (with Jan Frait and Zlatuše Komárková)
Other Information
1996 The Best Diploma Thesis (Faculty of Economics, VSB-TU Ostrava)
1997 Young Economist Award, second prize by the Czech Economic Society
1998 Young Economist Award, first prize by the Czech Economic Society
Grant Agency of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Ekonomický časopis, Politická ekonomie, Prague Economic Papers.
Academic career:
Professor, Faculty of Economics, VSB-TU Ostrava (2007-now); lecturer at University of Economics, Prague (1997-2012) and, professor at Charles University, Faculty of Social Science (2017-now)
Professional associations:
Czech Economic Society, Member of the Board (Vice-President in 2006-2007, President in 2008-2009).