CNB Research Open Day 2006

Tuesday, 16 May 2006

Czech National Bank's Plodinová burza (Commodity Exchange) building,
Senovážné nám. 33, Praha 1

The half-day conference is open to public and provides an opportunity to see some of the best of the CNB's current research work, to learn about the CNB's research strategy and to meet CNB researchers informally. The conference language is English. The number of seats is limited by the conference room size.


Preliminary Programme

8.30 a.m.        Registration & Morning Coffee

9.00 a.m.        Welcome by Miroslav Singer (CNB Vice-Governor) & ERD Award 2006.

9.10 a.m.        CNB Economic Research 2007-2012: An Overview by Kateřina Šmídková
                         (Executive Director, Research Department)

9.20 a.m.         Q&A

9.25 a.m.         Plant-Level Nonconvexities and the Transmission of Monetary Policy
                          (Roman Šustek, Bank of England)

9.45 a.m.         Discussion (Jan Brůha, CNB)

10.00 a.m.       Q&A

10.05 a.m.       Coffee Break in the CNB Conference Facility

10.25 a.m.       Heterogeneous Expectations, Monetary Policy and the Speed of Convergence
                          to the REE (Martin Fukač, CNB)

10.45 a.m.       Discussion (Viktor Kotlán, Česká spořitelna)

11.00 a.m.       Q&A

11.05 a.m.       Business Cycle, Credit Risk and Economic Capital Determination by
                          Commercial Banks (Alexis Derviz, CNB)

11.25 a.m.       Discussion (Falko Fecht, Deutsche Bundesbank)

11.40 a.m.       Q&A

11.45 a.m.       Aggregate Wage Flexibility  in the Selected New EU Member States
                          (Ian Babetskii, CNB)

12.05 p.m.       Discussion (Miroslav Singer, CNB)

12.20 p.m.       Q&A

12.25 p.m.       Concluding Remarks (Kateřina Šmídková)