The Rushin: an index of Czech economic activity

The Rushin is a weekly index of economic activity for the Czech Republic. It is constructed to capture developments in economic activity with a minimal lag, while paying particular attention to turning points and the pace of economic growth. The index, which we publish once a month, summarises the developments of four quickly available high-frequency indicators and six monthly indicators.

  • last update: 10 February 2025
  • the Rushin index signals quarterly growth rate of the Czech economy of 0.1% in the period ending 9 February 2025
  • Download time series (xlsx, 32 kB)

Rushin index – graf

Note: The Rushin is not an official CNB forecast or nowcast. However, it is one of the indicators relied on by the CNB analytical team.

Introducing the index in a CNB vlog

Video with English subtitles.
