Vojtěch Belling reappointed Vice Chair of ESMA
Executive Director of the Czech National Bank’s Financial Regulation and International Cooperation Department Vojtěch Belling has been re-elected Vice Chair of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA).
Vojtěch Belling has served as Vice Chair of the ESMA since November 2022. This is one of the highest executive positions held by a Czech representative within the institutions and agencies of the European Union. His second term in office will last for two and a half years.
“Congratulations to Vojtěch Belling on his re-election as Vice Chair of the ESMA. I consider his reappointment acknowledgement of his work to date in the top management of this European supervisory authority and a clear demonstration of the respect the Czech National Bank enjoys within the European supervisory community,” says Czech National Bank Governor Aleš Michl.
Vojtěch Belling
Vojtěch Belling has served as Executive Director of the Financial Regulation and International Cooperation Department at the CNB since 2018. Prior to that, he was Director of the CNB’s EU and International Organisations Division (2014–2018) and State Secretary for EU Affairs (2011–2014). He held various positions in the Czech civil service starting in 2002.
He is a member of the ESMA Board of Supervisors, a member of the International Relations Committee of the European Central Bank and an alternate member of the Economic and Financial Committee of the EU Council. He was a member of the ESMA Management Board from December 2020 until September 2022. In September 2022, he was elected Vice Chair of ESMA for the first time.
Vojtěch Belling is active in academia, and lectures in law and political science at Charles University in Prague and Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí and Labem. In the past, he was also a lecturer at the University of Heidelberg. He holds a masters in law, political science and history from Charles University in Prague. He has published several academic papers and many articles in the fields of law and political science.
European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA)
The role of ESMA is to enhance investor protection and promote stable and orderly financial markets. It achieves these objectives by: assessing risks to investors, markets and financial stability; creating a single rulebook for EU financial markets; promoting supervisory convergence and directly supervising specific financial entities.
ESMA fulfils its mission within the European System of Financial Market Supervision (ESFS) through active cooperation with the European Banking Authority (EBA), the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA), the European Systemic Risk Board and national competent authorities in the securities market area.
Petra Vlčková
CNB spokesperson