Rules and guidance

In the Czech Republic, the Basel II framework has been implemented into the legislation through:

  1. laws stipulating the fundamental prudential rules and other requirements arising from the individual directives; Directives 2006/48/EC and 2006/49/EC have been into the following laws:
  2. decrees issued under powers laid down in the relevant laws; these decrees lay down individual prudential rules in greater detail; in addition to the above mentioned laws, the Basel II framework has been incorporated into Decree No. 123/2007 on the Prudential Rules for Banks, Credit Unions and Investment Firms, as amended;
  3. official information providing detailed explanations or expectations of the Czech National Bank regarding some terms, procedures and other facts;

For an overview regarding the texts of laws, regulations, administrative rules and general guidance adopted in each EU Member State see the corresponding section on the EBA homepage.

Tables of information