18 Oct 2019 Operation Type|Liquidity Impact|Trade date|Settlement date|Maturity Date|Marginal Rate [%]|Total bid volume [CZK bln]|Total number of bids|Minimum bid rate [%]|Average bid rate [%]|Maximum bid rate [%]|Total alloted volume [CZK bln]|Total number of alloted bids|Minimum alloted rate [%]|Average alloted rate [%]|Maximum alloted rate [%]|Allotment percentage [%] Depozitní facilita|Stažení|18 Oct 2019|18 Oct 2019|21 Oct 2019|1.00|7.283|10|1.00|1.00|1.00|7.283|10|1.00|1.00|1.00|100 Repo|Stažení|18 Oct 2019|18 Oct 2019|01 Nov 2019|2.00|368.400|28|2.00|2.00|2.00|368.400|28|2.00|2.00|2.00|100