Access to CCR information

Banks and foreign bank branches operating in the Czech Republic and other entities where so stipulated by a special legislative act ("CCR participants") have access to:

  • the client's total indebtedness> with information on the overall obligations of each client to banks in the Czech Republic (outstanding amounts of credit claims on clients, including past-due debt, broken down by claim type) and obligations to foreign creditors.
  • the detailed database of information provided to the CCR containing all own data entered into the database by the CCR participant.

Only information about the outstanding amounts of credit commitments of legal entities totalling more than EUR 25 000 are exchanged between selected EU countries (AT, BE, CZ, DE, FR, IT, ES, PT, RO) under an international agreement (pdf, 284 kB)

In the CCR database is available information on the current status and 10-year history of the client’s obligations. The aggregated form of total indebtedness rules out the possibility of localisation of an individual client’s obligations to a specific CCR participant.

Provided that they adhere to the conditions prescribed for access to CCR information, CCR participants can verify clients’ credit commitments via on-line enquiries. Information about the credit commitments of all its own clients is available to each CCR participant in the form of an aggregate monthly control output.

Binding rules on the access of CCR participants to information in the register are set forth in detail in:

The CCR contains information subject to banking secrecy. Disclosure of information from the database to statutory CCR participants is not deemed a breach of banking secrecy. However, the CCR participant is required to treat any information on the clients of another participant acquired from the CCR database as if it were information on its own clients.

Under the Act on Banks, any client about whom relevant information is held in the CCR has the right to demand an extract from the register.